Thursday, May 5, 2011

JR's Blog

We have started to strain the used vegetable oil. First off I wanted to say that it smells really bad and I probobly won't ever eat school lunch again. Anyways, we found that the cheese cloth that we put over the strainer was worthless and didn't do a thing. After we found this out, we decided to pour the oil using beakers directly into the strainer. This worked for quite a while until the darn thing started to clog on us. We then had to stop, remove the strainer from the bucket, and go clean it. The problem was however was that the regular sink wasn't strong enough so we had to use a hose(my apologies to those I sprayed) which worked very well. Over all though it's been pretty succesful with five 5 gallon barrels full of the filtered vegetable oil.


  1. Why did you decide to use the cheese cloth, and why didn't it work? Why did the paint strainers get clogged?

  2. We thought that the cheese cloth would help block food particles but the holes were too big. The paint strainer got clogged because there was so much buildup inside the strainer.
